How to become a GDSC lead?
Applications to become a GDSC lead 2021–2022 are open.
Being a DSC SIT lead for the year 2020–2021, I would love to share the information about GDSC and its application process.
In this article I’ll share what the GDSC is, What are the eligibility criteria, responsibilities, benefits of being lead and the application process.
So Let’s start…..
What is GDSC?
GDSC stands for Google Developer Student Clubs.
Google Developer Student Clubs are community groups for college and university students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome.
GDSC is a global community.
Who are GDSC leads?
Google Developer Student Club Leads are passionate leaders at their university who are dedicated to helping their peers learn and connect. These Leads may be pursuing various undergraduate or graduate university degrees but have a good foundational knowledge of software development concepts.
Eligibility criteria :
- Have a minimum of two years left until graduation
- Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a college or university
- Can commit to program for one year
- Passionate about creating impact in community
Responsibilities :
- Create a technical community your campus
- Host a meetup event ideally once a month, and at least every 3 months
- Spread awareness about google technologies
- Inspire and mentor other students and so on.
Key perks :
- Lead a community and boost up your leadership skill
- Professional growth
- Network growth
- Community Learning
- Cool swags
Application Process :
- Go to this link
- Fill personal details. Nomination Code is optional. Add nomination code if you have received this from your existing lead
- Fill Chapter Name Details
- Share Social media details (Update it first)
- In last step, answer some community questions and and put the youtube video link. (Record a 90 second video and show us why you are the right person to be a GDSC Leader at your University. Upload it on youtube)
Try to be more informative and be honest.
Last date of apply is 20th April 2021.
If you have any queries, feel free to contact me via Linkedin .